Thursday, October 22, 2009

tilik la nasibku :)

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Familiar? well, facebook. haha. Aku suka sangat buat mende ni. Tapi satu hari, kawan aku comment. 

Kawanku  : ey boleh syirik tau main mende ni
Aku  : tapi xpe kalo x caye. 
Kawanku  : xbole! ustazah aku kate x bole jgak!
Aku   : aku xcaye lgsung pape die kate la.sekadar mghias wall.haha
Kawanku  : ustazah aku kate x bole jgak!
Aku   : Yela.

Bukan aku menyampah. tapi aku da kate aku x caye. tapi papepun, thanx la sbab bagi nasihat tu. Oleh kerana aku pon doubt mende ni dosa ke tak, aku pon da x main. So what do u think? Dosa ke tak though kita x ambil kisah every single thing stated bout ur day or ur life. Bcos it's just another facebook thingy. Kalau macam tu, that means all those quizzes kat facebook pun dosa lah. kan? kan? Tapi kenapa kita main? Sebab kita bosan. Right? Tapi dosa ke tak?


KEY 505 said...

nina, i am really impressed with the major change in ur life. ure really brave and bold :)

keep on writing. insyallah aku akan baca semua post kau. (walaupun yg bawah² tu belum habis baca. heee).

hopefully one day i can write like u rather thn writing craps like i always do. hahaha.

keep writing. aku spprt kau :)

p/s; pasal quizzes on fb, aku rase x dosa or syirik. because the concept is basically like reading ur horoscope on the newspaper section or sth. u read it, but that doesnt mean u believe in it. and that applies to the quizzes on fb. like for example, the msg that ANITA give to us on fb, its just for fun. as long as its not sth that oppose the agamaa itself, i think theres nothing wrong with it. seriously. and yes, TAK DOSA. unless if it gives u any sexual readings or anything that leads to things that bring nothing but badness to u, then, its probably sth that u should avoid.

i think that the quizzes are fine. as long as u dont get to be lalai or leka with it sampai tinggal sembahyang or sth like that. tu baru dosa. same laaa mcm tgk tv. kalau tgk tv sampai x sembahyang,,,, dosa kann?

so its basically the same.

just an opinion. correct me if m wrong.

atika said...

ak pon nyampah ngn org camtuh :P
ko x link ak pon,haha

Anonymous said...

nice post,NINA.nice post. hahaha XD

Anonymous said...

juz a lil bit addition to wat KEY 505 said... being a muslim is not juz about sembahyang or solat, tp berkaitan seluruh kehidupan: pengucapan, perbuatan, amalan, niat dan iktikad...

regarding to d fb quizzes or wat so ever, dosa atau tak actually bergantung pada tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan individu dlm membezakan yg haq dgn yg batil...

d main point here is NEVER to forget Allah coz forgetting Allah is d door to all badness (maksiat)...

"Dan janganlah kamu seperti orang-orang yang lupa kepada Allah, lalu Allah menjadikan mereka lupa kepada diri mereka sendiri. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasiq." (Surah al-Hijr ayat 19)


qistina said...

key 505 - hihihi, aku sedang berhijrah. aku pun 'stalk' blog kau. n aku rase opinion kau betul, it's all about d faith.

tikapad-aku xdelah nyampah sgt. hehe. ok2 aku link kan.


qistina said...

anonymous- mmg betul wat u said. to me, asalkan iman tu tak terusik atau berkurang, alhamdulillah.
semoga kita semua tak tergolong sebagai org fasik.

bout d quiz, kita kene percaya bahawa Allah yang tentukan hidup kita, and tiada yang lebih mengetahui dari al-Alim.